[mou] dissappearing birds

bettbowman blade@bigfork.net
Mon, 7 Mar 2005 14:22:42 -0600

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i live in bigfork, mn. and for the past two weeks, the bird have =
disappeared!  it is eerily quiet except for the wind and an occassional =
"caw" from a crow in the distance.  can this be explained?  please =
e-mail me.  thank you for your time.  theresa
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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>i live in bigfork, mn. and for the past =
two weeks,=20
the bird have disappeared!&nbsp; it is eerily quiet except for the wind =
and an=20
occassional "caw" from a crow in the distance.&nbsp; can this be=20
explained?&nbsp; please e-mail me.&nbsp; thank you for your time.&nbsp;=20
