[mou] Bird photo affirmations

SeEtta Moss seetta@msn.com
Mon, 07 Mar 2005 20:10:00 -0700

I was delighted to see Terry Brashear's posting in which he affirms "All 
these images were taken of naturally hunting owls - no mice or baiting was 
used."  I think that all who post links to their owl photos (amateurs as 
well as professionals) ought to include a similar affirming phrase (if it is 
factual).  This would serve to remind everyone that such highly ethical 
photography is highly valued by the birding community as well as educate 
everyone who reads the posts that the behaviors of baiting or using mice to 
interrupt an owl to take its photo is problematic.

Terry--really great pics.  It takes real skill as a bird/nature photographer 
to get such fantastic photos of naturally hunting owls.

SeEtta Moss
(a Colo birder who is still experiencing vicarious enjoyment of the owl 
invasion by continuing on this list even tho I had to come home)