[mou] Weekend Owling Trip 3/5/05

Jbaines317@aol.com Jbaines317@aol.com
Tue, 8 Mar 2005 22:09:56 EST

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Two friends from St. Louis, Missouri came to town to see the owls last  
weekend.Of course the owls did not disappoint. As soon as Teri was off the  plane 
we took a quick evening trip along Hwy 48 east of 35 on Friday and  saw 17 
Great Gray Owls.
We took a longer marathon early morning trip to Aitkin, Carleton & St.  Louis 
Counties on Saturday. There was a marked difference in the number of owls  
seen in the morning versus the evening. We saw 104 different Great Grays  
between sun-up and 10:30 am. Our highlight was Aitkin County. Here are  Saturday's 
Owl numbers:
114 Great Gray Owls (97 in Aitkin County)
7 Northern Hawk Owls
1 Barred Owl
1 Three-toed Woodpecker
1 Black-blacked Woodpecker  
1 Rough-legged Hawk

2 Sharp-tailed Grouse
1 Ruffed Grouse
2 Northern Shrikes
Gray Jays
Pine Grosbeaks
Snow Buntings
and the other usual suspects including at least 4 porcupine in trees.
Jen Vieth, Dan Deutsch, Teri Schroer (STL), Amy Doebber (STL)

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<DIV>Two friends from St. Louis, Missouri came to town to see the owls last=20
weekend.Of course&nbsp;the owls did not disappoint. As soon as Teri was off=20=
plane we took a quick&nbsp;evening trip along Hwy 48 east of 35 on Friday an=
saw 17 Great Gray Owls.</DIV>
<DIV>We took a longer marathon early morning trip to Aitkin, Carleton &amp;=20=
Louis Counties on Saturday. There was a marked difference in the number of o=
seen in the morning versus the evening. We saw&nbsp;104 different Great Gray=
between sun-up and 10:30 am. Our highlight was Aitkin County. Here are=20
Saturday's Owl numbers:</DIV>
<DIV>114 Great Gray Owls (97 in Aitkin County)</DIV>
<DIV>7 Northern Hawk Owls</DIV>
<DIV>1 Barred Owl</DIV>
<DIV>1 Three-toed Woodpecker</DIV>
<DIV>1 Black-blacked Woodpecker=20
<DIV>1 Rough-legged Hawk</DIV></DIV>
<DIV>2 Sharp-tailed Grouse</DIV>
<DIV>1 Ruffed Grouse</DIV>
<DIV>2 Northern Shrikes</DIV>
<DIV>Gray Jays</DIV>
<DIV>Pine Grosbeaks</DIV>
<DIV>Snow Buntings</DIV>
<DIV>and the other usual suspects including at least 4 porcupine in trees.</=
<DIV>Jen Vieth, Dan Deutsch, Teri Schroer (STL), Amy Doebber (STL)</DIV>
