[mou] Trumpeter Swan, Sandhill Cranes, etc Pool 8, Houston Co.

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Thu, 10 Mar 2005 15:56:39 -0800 (PST)

Trumpeter Swan---3---Wildcat Creek delta south of
Brownsville: Neck collars 06A on yellow, 01A on
yellow, 40E on dark (black?). One trumpeter
trumpeting, or was it a presidential sax?

Killdeer---1---Wildcat Creek delta. No instrumentation
or vocal.

Sandhill Crane---4---Crooked Creek delta south of
Reno. Hard to see if in marsh vegetation. On ice,
prehistoric and grand. No music.

Pool 8 75% open. No large waterfowl numbers. The usual
divers and dabblers in low numbers.

Bald Eagles on several nests, closest west of Hwy 26
blufftop SW of Brownsville from intersection of Hwy 26
and road past sewage plant.

22 Bald Eagles in one group on party ice, scattered
individuals up & down Pool 8.

Fred Lesher, LaCrosse,Wis.

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