[mou] Aitkin Co.

Ivars J. Krafts ivars@ivarskrafts.com
Sun, 13 Mar 2005 22:54:34 -0600

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Yesterday, we made a short detour off Hwy. 65 unto Co. Rd. 4 & counted 12 
GGO & 2 No. Hawk Owls. There were quite a few birders there, particularly 
by the Owl field.

Ivars Krafts

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Yesterday, we made a short detour off Hwy. 65 unto Co. Rd. 4 &amp;
counted 12 GGO &amp; 2 No. Hawk Owls. There were quite a few birders
there, particularly by the Owl field.<br>
<font face="Viner Hand ITC" size=4 color="#000080">Ivars Krafts<br>
</font><font size=2 color="#000080">763-784-2210<br>
</font><font size=1 color="#000080">ivars@ivarskrafts.com<br>
