[mou] Likely GGO in Elm Creek

Heath Renner rennerheath@hotmail.com
Tue, 15 Mar 2005 19:12:11 -0600

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<P><BR><BR>This evening near sundown as I was hiking the paved trail in Elm Creek that travels north from the parking area on the north side of Hayden Lake Rd. W. just where the road takes&nbsp;a sharp turn to the S.&nbsp; As I hiked north on the trail it crosses Elm Creek and then breaks out of the woods and takes a turn to the left.&nbsp; At that point a very large owl flew out of a small tree just on the north side of the trail&nbsp;and flew about 50 yards or so and landed into a grove of medium sized trees about 10 to 12 feet off the ground.&nbsp; As I didn't have my binoculars with me I could not verify it was a GGO, but it was large, grayish in color, no noticeable ear tufts.&nbsp; I had seen bunch of them in Aitkin Co. a few weeks ago, and this one seemed to have the same characteristics.&nbsp; But again, no verification.</P>
<P>Heath Renner</P></DIV></div></html>