[mou] LacQuiParle waterfowl/Rothsay raptors, etc.LONG
Sun, 20 Mar 2005 20:18:00 EST
Got tired of snow & went west on Sat AM. No snow and 40 on Sat. Lac Qui
Parle has a quite small (relatively speaking) amount of open water and geese
are congregated near the SE end of the reservoir. There are many thousands
(12-15?) of Canadas and perhaps 1000 (give or take 300-I didn't count) White
Fronted Geese mixed in, mostly on the edges of the ice. There were at least scores
of Cackling Canada Geese mixed in for a wonderful walking comparison on size.
There were two wood ducks, many mallards, two Am. Wigeon and 25 or so
Ring-Necked Ducks.) There were NO white geese there. Big Stone refuge was ice locked
but had 2-3 thousand Canada Geese 0n the ice (very long look.)
Rothsay was fun. Saturday evening (got there at 5 or so) there was a
raptor reunion going on. I saw one Adult Bald Eagle, 1 Merlin, 1 Red-Tailed Hawk,
4 Northern Harriers, 8 Rough Legged Hawks, and 5 Short Eared Owls with
possibly a 6th but it could have been a Harrier. Saw only 2 Prairie Chickens in the
evening. Went back this AM, starting at the traditional lek at 6AM and covered
much the same territory. Saw 68 Prairie Chickens (only 5 where I started) and
the following raptors, 7 Rough Legged Hawks, 11 Northern Harriers, 1 Short
Eared Owl, 1 Bald Eagle. I watched a N. Harrier and a Short Eared Owl in a turf
spat for hunting rights. The owl was sitting and the Harrier buzzed him. The
owl got above and behind the Harrier and they swooped around doing loops for
2-3 minutes and then the owl lagged back and went back down to sit. The Harrier
flashed back after it and the whole dance started again. Got a great
contrasting look in the process. Also saw two white swans (Trumpeters?)
1 Meadowlark (sp) many Horned Larks (largest flock 120) and 5 Red-Winged
Blackbirds. No longspurs.
John Ellis-St. Paul