[mou] Kettles of eagles

James Mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Mon, 21 Mar 2005 09:20:48 -0600

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3/21/05 - Cabela's Sporting Goods store in Owatanna at 4:45pm. There was a migration of Bald Eagles underway unlike anthing I've seen in the southern part of the state. A kettle of 20 adult and subadult eagles was passing directly over the store heading NE. Soon followed another smaller kettle of 10 eagles. As I looked with binocs to the north and south I could see additional eagles strung out flying on the same path as the kettling birds. A few Red-tailed Hawks were mixed in as well.  I assume this had been going on for some time as this was quite late in the afternoon for raptors to be moving in kettle formation. 

Jim Mattsson
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<DIV>3/21/05 - Cabela's Sporting Goods store&nbsp;in Owatanna at 4:45pm. There was a migration of Bald Eagles underway unlike anthing I've seen in the southern part of the state. A kettle of 20 adult and subadult eagles was passing directly over the store heading NE. Soon followed another smaller kettle of 10 eagles. As I looked with binocs to the north and south I could see additional eagles strung out&nbsp;flying on the same path as the kettling birds. A few Red-tailed Hawks were mixed in as well. &nbsp;I assume this had been going on for some time as this was quite late in the afternoon for raptors to be moving in kettle formation. </DIV>
<DIV>Jim Mattsson</DIV>