[mou] Where do YOU eat while out birding Minnesota????

Derric Pennington penn0107@umn.edu
Wed, 23 Mar 2005 11:34:37 -0600

Help us find the Best Eateries in Minnesota!!!!

Many of us need to stop and refuel while birding Minnesota's great=20
outdoors, be it for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.  For example, just=20
this morning I was out birding at Crosby Farm, where I heard my first=20
Killdeer and Northern Flicker of the year.  Often after a morning=20
birding in St. Paul, I head over to Trotter's Cafe on Cleveland Ave to=20=

have a mid-morning snack.  Trotter's is a restaurant known for=20
supporting local sustainable farms, not to mention just wonderful=20
home-made food!

We want to know about your favorite restaurant, cafe, bed & breakfast,
or other public eatery that serves up great, home-made food.  We
especially want to know about places that serve locally-grown food,
whose menus may include meat from a local rancher, cream and butter from
a nearby dairy, fruits and veggies grown by area farmers, jams and
relishes those farmers put up, honey from the neighborhood apiary,
delicious Minnesota wines, or anything else that makes a wonderfully
short journey from "farm to table."

Please send us the name of the eatery, the town it's located in, any
contact information you may have (phone, address, e-mail) and, if you
know it, the name(s) of the owner(s) and/or chef(s).  All information
can be sent to Derric Pennington at info@rtcinfo.org (please do not=20
to sustag@mail.coafes.umn.edu).

Over the next couple of months we will be gathering your suggestions
and will be selecting a number of these establishments to be featured in
a book and on a website to promote "eating locally."

This project has been made possible by a grant from the North Central
Regional Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program, and is
being carried out by a number of organizations throughout the state.
For more information, contact Renewing the Countryside at

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Happy Spring Birding!!!

Derric Pennington
Conservation Biology Graduate program
Dept. of Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology
College of Natural Resources
University of Minnesota
200 Hodson Hall
1980 Folwell Ave
St. Paul, MN 55108
ph: 612-624-4796