[mou] Why two lists? How about 3?

Chuck Cole cncole@earthlink.net
Thu, 24 Mar 2005 14:40:41 -0600

Good idea: make a list for journal submissions only, or something like that.  Might even have a form on a web site or some flavor of
template for those submissions.  That would really fix the confusions!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: mou-net-admin@cbs.umn.edu [mailto:mou-net-admin@cbs.umn.edu]On
> Behalf Of Michael Engh
> I agree that MOU should be more inclusive and supportive of new birders.
> I was intimidated by MOU as a new birder several years ago and really
> enjoyed participating in MN bird.
> On the other hand, I stopped subscribing to MN bird because the volume
> of emails was too much to receive while I was at work.
> I then subscribed to MOU net because the volume was less and I wanted to
> keep track of the more unusual/hotline type sightings while at work.
> I welcome the evolution of MOU net to be less exclusive. The enthusiasm
> and friendliness of Mark Alt is great PR for MOU.
> But, do I dare suggest a second MOU service which would be more limited,
> not to be snooty at all, but to limit the number of emails so I can
> still receive unusual and timely bird news at work. Does anyone else
> find themselves in this position?
> There have been attempts to standardize keywords on the subject line to
> allow email filters to filter out hot reports but that is hard to
> explain to users, hard to get right, and hard to enforce.
> I also remember an attempt to start an mn-ornithology list but never saw
> any postings.
> Mike Engh