[mou] Eastern Screech-Owl "Red", Henn. Cty

STWorwa@aol.com STWorwa@aol.com
Fri, 25 Mar 2005 20:21:05 EST

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I observed an Eastern Screech-Owl (Red Morph) at the Old Cedar Avenue Bridge 
(OCB) in Hennepin County this morning. The owl was still present when I left 
at 1:00 PM today.

The owl was located approximately 20-30 yards North of the OCB parking lot, 
along the Hog Back Ridge Trail, on the West side of the path. Look along the 
trunks of the larger trees nearer the water, about 10 ft from the ground. Some 
rudimentary markers (arrows) were left just off the path to mark the spot the 
owl could be observed from.

Good luck!

Tom Worwa

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<HTML><FONT FACE=3Darial,helvetica><FONT  SIZE=3D2 PTSIZE=3D10>I observed an=
 <I>Eastern Screech-Owl </I>(<B>Red Morph</B>) at the <I>Old Cedar Avenue Br=
idge </I>(OCB) in <I>Hennepin County</I> this morning. The owl was still pre=
sent when I left at 1:00 PM today.
<BR>The owl was located approximately 20-30 yards North of the OCB parking l=
ot, along the Hog Back Ridge Trail, on the West side of the path. Look along=
 the trunks of the larger trees nearer the water, about 10 ft from the groun=
d. Some rudimentary markers (arrows) were left just off the path to mark the=
 spot the owl could be observed from.
<BR>Good luck!
<BR>Tom Worwa</FONT></HTML>
