[mou] GGO W Medicine Lake Park

J Cartier cartierjaq@yahoo.com
Sat, 26 Mar 2005 07:29:10 -0800 (PST)

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Yesterday, about 4:30 pm, while crossing the boardwalk between the parking area and the lake, I noticed what seemed to be an irregular top to a 10-ft-tall broken tree trunk.  It was a Great Gray, head down, watching and listening for movement in the grasses.  This was maybe 15 ft N of the walkway.   Once it raised its head, looked around, looked at me, and resumed hunting.
Jackie Cartier

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<DIV>Yesterday, about 4:30 pm, while crossing the boardwalk between the parking area and the lake, I noticed what seemed to be an irregular top to a 10-ft-tall broken tree trunk.&nbsp; It was a Great Gray, head down, watching and listening for movement in the grasses.&nbsp; This was maybe 15 ft N of the walkway.&nbsp;&nbsp; Once it raised its head, looked around, looked at me, and resumed hunting.</DIV>
<DIV>Jackie Cartier</DIV><p>
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