[mou] Prairie Falcon, Sax Zim

Dan Amerman boreal_finch@yahoo.com
Sun, 27 Mar 2005 10:07:40 -0800 (PST)

While birding Sax Zim yesterday afternoon, we saw an
adult PRAIRIE FALCON around 5:30-6 pm, a couple
hundred yards west of where Arkola Road (52)
intersects Highway 7.  We both got very good binocular
views of the bird, initially from perhaps 50 feet away
for a minute or so, and then it moved to a perch maybe
150 feet away, where we watched it for about five
minutes.  It was our first real birding trip with our
month old daughter, and while she was game for
bouncing around country roads in her car seat, she
objected strenuously to the prolonged falcon stop, and
we had to drive off with the bird unphotographed.

Other sightings of interest were a Black-backed
Woodpecker off McDavitt Road, three Rough-legged Hawks
(one dark phase and two light phase), a Northern Hawk
Owl along Arkola Road maybe a half mile east of Owl
Avenue, and a male Northern Harrier along Highway 7.

Good Birding!

Dan and Mary Amerman
Duluth, MN

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