[mou] Fwd: [wisb] GLAUCOUS-WINGED GULL, Superior landfill

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Sun, 27 Mar 2005 20:18:07 -0600

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Daryl Tessen" <bhaunts@core.com>
Date: March 26, 2005 9:15:17 PM CST
To: "Wisconsin Birding Network" <wisbirdn@lawrence.edu>

Robbye Johnson called earlier this evening.  Robbye, Shaun Putz, etc 
had several exciting days in the Superior/Douglas county area.  (snip)
This afternoon at the dump by Wisconsin Pt. she and Shaun found an
interesting gull. They observed it on the ground and then flying over 
dump. They had a lengthy view of it and Shaun got excellent photos! It 
a 3rd year GLAUCOUS-WINGED GULL. Observation was around 2:00+ p.m. She
indicated that they would recheck the dump tomorrow and or Monday and 
back to me on whether the gull was hanging around. This morning on the 
they had several Golden Eagles and about 10 N. Goshawks migrating north.
There was a good southwest wind up there today.

Daryl Tessen
Outagamie County
Appleton, WI

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