[mou] Olmsted County waterfowl and such

Paul Pedersen ppedersen6@charter.net
Thu, 31 Mar 2005 6:15:16 -0600

Our East and South Landfill Reservoirs in Olmsted County are still nearly all covered with ice as of Wednesday (March 30). Any day they should break up. However, there is open water around the edges. Seen yesterday in these areas (mostly at the South Reservoir) were:

20+ Northern Shoveler
30+ Green-winged Teal
10-15 Blue-winged Teal
20+ Lesser Scaup
18 Ring-necked Ducks
50+ Ring-billed Gulls
1 Herring Gull
12 Hooded Mergansers
4 Common Mergansers
5 American Coot
8 Gadwall
5 American Wigeon
1 Wood Duck
Canada Geese
1 Pied-billed Grebe

Overhead and around the edges:
1 Double-crested Cormorant
5 Turkey Vulture
many Killdeer
Song Sparrows