[mou] Shorebirds Dakota Co. & Lark Sparrow

Steve Weston Steve Weston" <sweston2@comcast.net
Sun, 1 May 2005 09:40:39 -0500

Checking likely shorebird locations yesterday afternoon, I found no flooded fields for attracting shorebirds.  Sod farms
were not visted as they are dry and probably would not be rewarding.

Lake Bylessby remains the single discovered hot spot in the county.  Seven species observed: Greater Yellowlegs (~8), Lesser
Yellowlegs (~19), Semi-palmated Sandpiper (1), Pectoral Sandpiper (1), Willet (2), Long-billed dowitcher (1), Killdeer (5).
I ID the Dowitcher as Long-billed by it being early, Conny Brunnel agreed because of the spotting on the neck.

140th Street Marsh has definitely degraded as a marsh habitat over previous years.  But, with lower water levels yielding
more mud flats, it appears to be good shorebird habitat, except no shorebirds yet.

160th Street has water into the vegetation.  No shorebirds there or expected.

Mud Lake on Ravena Trail south east of Hastings has exposed mud flats, looks promising.  One Yellowlegs observed.

Etter Bottoms just into Goodhue Co. on the road to Treasure Island has a wetland that looks inviting.  this might be worth

Other birds observed (at Lake Bylessby unless noted):

Lark Sparrow (2) (Goodhue Co: on the old Prairie Island road just south of the Bison)
White Fronted Goose (2)
Broad-winged Hawk (north of Lake Bylessby)
Am. Pipit (4)
Caspian Tern
Purple Martin
Eastern Towhee (Pine Bend SNA)

Still very sparse for warbles, sparrows, and thrushes.
thanks to Conny Brunell for her quick eyes and sure ID's.

Steve Weston on Quigley Lake in Eagan