[mou] yellow-rumped warbler, nesting pileated

Howard Weinberg hjw_forest@yahoo.com
Thu, 5 May 2005 08:36:59 -0700 (PDT)

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This probably is old hat to Duluthians, but this morning there were two Yellow-rumped Warblers singing in my yard before i left for work.  My birding has been relegated to backyard stuff recently, and so this is the first warbler species that i've seen this season.  One nice gift at home is an active Pileated nest cavity within view from the house.  I think they are sitting on eggs (when one adult arrives at the tree, another pops out of the hole and flies off).  Also a N. Saw-whet owl has been calling. Don't know if he's nesting or just passing through?

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<DIV>This probably is old hat to Duluthians, but this morning there were two&nbsp;Yellow-rumped Warblers singing in my yard before i left for work.&nbsp; My birding has been relegated to backyard stuff recently, and so this is the first warbler species that i've seen this season.&nbsp; One nice gift at home is an active&nbsp;Pileated nest cavity within view from the house.&nbsp; I&nbsp;think they are sitting on eggs (when one adult arrives at the tree, another pops out of the hole and flies off).&nbsp; Also a N. Saw-whet owl has been calling.&nbsp;Don't know if he's nesting or just passing through?</DIV>
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