[mou] duck stamps

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Thu, 5 May 2005 20:37:57 -0500

A conservation message.
Jim Williams
Wayzata, Minnesota

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Paul J. Baicich" <paul.baicich@swarovskibirding.com>
Date: May 5, 2005 11:58:17 AM CDT
To: <paul.baicich@swarovskibirding.com>
Subject: The Duck-Stamp & Ivory-bill connection

Dear birding and conservation friends -

Here are some things worthy of consideration - and discussion - in 
and related bird-conservation circles. The issues here concern the 
Wildlife Refuges in east-central Arkansas, the assumed "range" of the 
re-discovered Ivory-billed Woodpecker.

The 56,000-acre Cache River National Wildlife Refuge - core "home" of 
re-discovered Ivory-billed Woodpecker - was founded relatively recently 
June 1986). This National Wildlife Refuge has been recognized as a 
of International Importance by the RAMSAR Convention. Out of its current
56,000 acres, fully 43,816 acres, or over 77% was acquired through funds
that have come through the Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation 
Stamp. (That cost was $38,057,436.)

Similarly, the nearby and much larger - at over 160,000 acres - White 
National Wildlife Refuge has had 10,145 acres acquired through 
from the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund, of which the Stamp is a major

If you ever needed proof that the Migratory Bird Hunting and 
Stamp is not "just for ducks," well, this is it!

Now if we could get MORE PEOPLE to buy the stamp in order to acquire 
Ivory-billed habitat (and, parenthetically, Wood Duck habitat), THAT 
be great!



  Paul J. Baicich
  Swarovski Birding and
  National Wildlife Refuge Association
  P.O. Box 404
  Oxon Hill, MD 20750

      410/992-9736 (992-wren)

	"Hope is the thing with feathers
	That perches in the soul"
		- Emily Dickinson, Poem 254, c. 1861
