[mou] gull

Anthony Hertzel axhertzel@sihope.com
Sat, 7 May 2005 12:45:26 -0500

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Kim and Cindy Risen report a Lesser Black-backed Gull on the western  
shore of Mille Lacs Lake in Mille Lacs County today. The bird is at  
the intersection of County Road 25 and U.S. Highway 169.

Anthony Hertzel -- axhertzel@sihope.com

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<HTML><BODY style="word-wrap: break-word; -khtml-nbsp-mode: space; -khtml-line-break: after-white-space; "><SPAN class="Apple-style-span">Kim and Cindy Risen report a <B>Lesser Black-backed Gull</B> on the western shore of Mille Lacs Lake in Mille Lacs County today. The bird is at the intersection of County Road 25 and U.S. Highway 169.<DIV><BR><DIV> <P style="margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px"><FONT face="Helvetica" size="3" style="font: 12.0px Helvetica">Anthony Hertzel -- <A href="mailto:axhertzel@sihope.com">axhertzel@sihope.com</A></FONT></P>  </DIV><BR></DIV></SPAN></BODY></HTML>