[mou] MRVAC Trip Report - Lebanon Hills - 5/8/05

Richard J Specht rjspecht@juno.com
Sun, 8 May 2005 14:18:15 -0500

This morning, Jeanne and I led a trip at the Lebanon Hills area just
south of the old Diamond T Horse Ranch.  There were 8 participants
including us.  Things were much more active this morning and we ended up
with 63 total species, 13 of which were warblers.  Some of the birds that
were new to participants were:

@ Broad-winged Hawk
@ Barred Owl
@ Great-crested Flycatcher
@ Least Flycatcher
@ Blue-headed Vireo
@ Warbling Vireo (H)
@ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
@ Gray Catbird
@ Brown Thrasher
@ Blue-winged Warbler
@ Tennessee Warbler
@ Orange-crowned Warbler
@ Nashville Warbler
@ Northern Parula (H)
@ Yellow Warbler
@ Yellow-rumped Warbler
@ Black-throated Green Warbler
@ Palm Warbler
@ Black-and-white Warbler
@ Ovenbird (H)
@ Northern Waterthrush
@ Wilson's Warbler
@ Eastern Towhee
@ Rose-breasted Grosbeak
@ Indigo Bunting
@ Baltimore Oriole

Good Birding,
Rick Specht