[mou] Northern Mockingbird-Redwood Cty

Dennis/Barbara Martin dbmartin@skypoint.com
Tue, 10 May 2005 22:07:56 -0500

We found a mockingbird this PM in the far northwest corner of Redwood Cty.
Just south of the Minnesota River on Cty Rd 7 turn west on 440th St.  Go to
the large open field 1 mile west.  The bird was seen on both sides of the
road and even went west far enough to get into Yellow Medicine Cty (just
past the field) and into the Swedes Forest SNA.  When we left it was still
in the field to the north of the road.

Other birds of interest in the southwest over the past few days included a
Common Tern (uncommon in the southwest where Forster's are always the
expected tern species) on Lake of the Hills in Lyon County on 5/9.  Warblers
were tough to come by but sparrows were plentiful including LeContes singing
several places in Yellow Medicine Cty.  Eastern Towhees were seen as far
west as Lincoln Cty (Hole in the Mtn Park) and as far north as Yellow
Medicine (Upper Sioux State Park.)

Only 16 species of shorebirds were found including one Red-necked Phalarope
with 200 Wilson's Phalaropes on Lanners WMA in Yellow Medicine Cty (two
miles north and two miles east of St. Leo.

Dennis and Barbara Martin