[mou] cameras in the park

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Wed, 11 May 2005 21:22:12 -0500

You recall the earlier note from the Three Rivers Park District 
employee, Carol Carter, regarding the photographer she encountered at 
Murphy-Hanrehan park, supposedly off trail. My impetuous reply to her 
note suggested she tell us the name of the individual. I have now 
received a telephone call from him, and heard his side of the story. I 
think Ms. Carter probably was as impetuous as I was. I know both the 
photographer and his companion that day. I seriously doubt that they 
were knowingly doing wrong of any kind. The photographer, who was 
carrying a 600mm lens, suggests 'twas the glass what done him in. Well, 
it wouldn't be the first time, would it?
Jim Williams