[mou] Mississippi Flyway Festival Birds @ Beaver Creek VSP, & Houston Co.

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Fri, 13 May 2005 13:35:59 -0700 (PDT)

Friday May 13, 7-AM-12N

Very slow. Cold & damp. Party of 16

Turkey Vulture---3 in a field, walking & posing as
Wild Turkeys. (Co. Rd. 249)

Sandhill Crane---3 along Hwy 26 at Reno Ponds. Duet
call. 6AM, 100 feet west of highway.

Eurasian Collared Dove---adult on nest, Caledonia,
usual site, watertower park power station downtown.

Pileated Woodpecker
Least Flycatcher
Yellow-thrtd. Vireo
Warbling V.
Cliff Swallow & Barn Swallow: colony Hwy 26 bridge

Tufted Titmouse---1 calling BCVSP 
Blue-gray Gnat.
Wood Thrush---heard only, at the BCVSP parking lot at
the footbridge.

Gray Catbird
Blue-w. Warbler
Tennessee W.
Yellow W.
Chestnut-sided W.
Yellow-r. W.
Am. Redstart
PROTHONOTARY W.---1 female. Unusual in BCVSP.
Louisiana Waterthrush---2

Absent special resident birds were Acadian Flycatcher
& Cerulean Warbler.

Fred Lesher, trip leader
LaCrosse, WI

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