[mou] Hooded Warbler still at Wood Lake

Elijah Parker elijahparker@tds.net
Sat, 14 May 2005 13:25:27 -0500

Yesterday I tried for the Hooded Warbler between 3 and 5pm with no success 
since things were pretty quiet there.  I only saw six warbler species, but 
there were quite a few Black-and-whites more near the back of the center 
(opposite the building).  Along the Hooded loop I saw 4 Red Fox kits and saw 
them run to their den right inside the loop!  So keep an eye out for them 
while you're looking for the Hooded.

The real highlight, though, was a Least Bittern!  In the cattails along the 
long boardwalk I heard it move.  It wasn't even 15 feet from me, sneaking 
through the reeds almost silently while I was taking all the pictures I 
could.  And it never flushed!  I've never had such good looks at one before.  
The exact location can be found by going counter-clockwise around the lake 
from the Hooded Warbler loop, then going over the boardwalk.  The bittern was 
on the left side (toward the building) right at edge where the cattails leave 
the walk (2/3 across).

I put a photo of the bittern in the "Birds" section of 
http://www.elijahparker.com (the categories are sorted by date taken, so the 
latest will always be at the top).  Another new addition is a Prothonotary 
Warbler from under the 35E bridge at the Mississippi on Thursday.  I had a 
total of 50 species in Crosby farm park that day, but still only 8 warblers.  
I saw several Prothonotaries, though.

Elijah Parker
Saint Paul, MN