[mou] Wood Lake (Richfield), Crow-Hassan (near Rogers); second Chat?

Pastor Al Schirmacher PastorAl@PrincetonFreeChurch.net
Sat, 14 May 2005 14:42:54 -0500

Nathan & I journeyed to Wood Lake Reserve in Richfield and Crow-Hassan off
of 101 (five miles or so from Rogers).  Thank you, Conny B. for the
directions to Wood Lake, Yahoo's directions (which I had downloaded earlier)
were off by nearly 30 miles.

We thoroughly enjoyed the Hooded Warbler and Summer Tanager at Wood Lake -
as well as a decent warbler and thrush movement - the rain did make birding
a touch more challenging.  Great birding area!

We stopped at Crow-Hassan (take 101 south from Rogers, then Territorial Road
west about five miles).  Highlight there was a probable (can lightning
strike twice on the same birder over the course of a year?) YB Chat calling
in a small grove of trees about eight minutes down the middle foot path (not
the larger trails).  We never got a visual (ran out of time), so I cannot
exclude a possible mocker (definitely not a catbird or thrasher) - but the
whistles and calls were identical to those of last year's Sherburne Chat, as
well as those that nest at Brooklyn NA in southern Wisconsin (former home

Good birding to all!

Nathan & Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties