[mou] White-Faced Ibis, Cattle Egrets,others

Sun, 15 May 2005 18:39:49 EDT

    Went to cabin on Friday- Called in to MOU Hotline Friday but it  didn't 
get posted: Saw a White Faced Ibis at the sewage ponds at Osakis, the pond 
closest to I-94 as you go from town towards the ponds. The bird was still there 
today at 2:30 PM as I returned home.
    There were 31 Cattle Egrets in the Cow pasture with the cattle off the SE 
end of Pelican Lake in Grant County. Also had 6 others on a flyover on 
Douglas 19 on the west edge of Douglas County. No Snowys or Little Blues seen on a 
scan of the area.
    Lots of shorebirds still in Big Stone County. Salt Lake had virtually 
none, Spotted, Least and Lesser Yellowlegs. Saw many Wilson's Phalaropes 
everywhere and Red-Necked Phalaropes at two locations. The lower sewage pond at Albany 
is in drawdown again and had a smattering of good birds including (at 25 
feet) a Baird's,  3 Dunlin, Two Sanderling, a Pectoral, Many Least and very many  
L Yellowlegs and a few Greater. Also many Spotted and an Am. Pipit.

    John Ellis, St. Paul