[mou] Murphy Hanrehan

Leodwm@aol.com Leodwm@aol.com
Mon, 16 May 2005 16:10:59 EDT

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We went birding at Murphy Harehan this morning. It was chilly out but we saw 
some fun stuff.
We drove down to the fork in the road and parked, walking up the left path. 
We saw one Blue-Winged, one Black-Throated Green, one Ovenbird, a few 
Redstarts. We then went back down the road to the open-gated trail and went inside. A 
man there told us he had seen Hooded Wablers so we went to the clearing and 
took a left down the small slopey path. It goes up and we took the trail to the 
right. Probably 20 Yellow-Throated Vireos were hopping around singing. 
I went back because I heard an odd call and then I heard the Hooded Warbler 
from in the woods to my left. I yelled out "Hooded" and my dad ran over. He 
looked right into the spot I said the call came from. I ran to the side to try to 
see it and it hopped out right above the thicket.

I just caught a glimpse of it before it flew over us and disappeared. It was 
the second time I had ever seen it and the third for my dad. We were happy. We 
went down the trail and saw at least 5 or 6 Black-Throated Greens. After that 
we decided to go back and look on the Pet Trail/Horse Trail for the Henslow 
Sparrows and more warblers.
We got there and we were tiring out. We walked up the right path from the 
parking lot to see a bunch of warblers. Tennessee's, Redstarts, Myrtle's. There 
were a bunch. A Rose-Breasted Grosbeak perched about 5 feet right above us.
We found out we made the wrong turn for the Henslow Sparrows and headed back. 
On our trip back past the beginning of the right path we saw a Magnolia 
Warbler right in the sun. A great look at it. Yellow Warblers flitted about as 
That was it for our day birding. We totalled 11 Warblers. Not as good as some 
but a nice bunch for us.

Good birding!
- Leo Wexler-Mann

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=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">We went birding at Murphy Harehan t=
his morning. It was chilly out but we saw some fun stuff.<BR>
We drove down to the fork in the road and parked, walking up the left path.=20=
We saw one Blue-Winged, one Black-Throated Green, one Ovenbird, a few Redsta=
rts. We then went back down the road to the open-gated trail and went inside=
. A man there told us he had seen Hooded Wablers so we went to the clearing=20=
and took a left down the small slopey path. It goes up and we took the trail=
 to the right. Probably 20 Yellow-Throated Vireos were hopping around singin=
g. <BR>
I went back because I heard an odd call and then I heard the Hooded Warbler=20=
from in the woods to my left. I yelled out "Hooded" and my dad ran over. He=20=
looked right into the spot I said the call came from. I ran to the side to t=
ry to see it and it hopped out right above the thicket.<BR>
I just caught a glimpse of it before it flew over us and disappeared. It was=
 the second time I had ever seen it and the third for my dad. We were happy.=
 We went down the trail and saw at least 5 or 6 Black-Throated Greens. After=
 that we decided to go back and look on the Pet Trail/Horse Trail for the He=
nslow Sparrows and more warblers.<BR>
We got there and we were tiring out. We walked up the right path from the pa=
rking lot to see a bunch of warblers. Tennessee's, Redstarts, Myrtle's. Ther=
e were a bunch. A Rose-Breasted Grosbeak perched about 5 feet right above us=
We found out we made the wrong turn for the Henslow Sparrows and headed back=
. On our trip back past the beginning of the right path we saw a Magnolia Wa=
rbler right in the sun. A great look at it. Yellow Warblers flitted about as=
That was it for our day birding. We totalled 11 Warblers. Not as good as som=
e but a nice bunch for us.<BR>
Good birding!<BR>
- Leo Wexler-Mann</FONT></HTML>
