[mou] Lake Byllesby's future?

James Mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Mon, 16 May 2005 15:49:11 -0500

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Lake Byllesby Lovers:

For two years now, I have been told by Dakota County administrators that they recognize the value of the west end of Lake Byllesby to birds, especially shorebirds, and that there will be no camping or other development that might jeopardize birds or their habitats. I recently received the following meeting notice (see below)  and was struck by the following exerpt:

The west side of Lake Byllesby is a passive use area and the plan provides opportunities to picnic, fish and camp along the Cannon River. A new trailhead and boardwalks will bring visitors to view the unique shorebirds that frequent the marshland and mudflats on the west end of the lake. 

A year ago I met with Dakota County personnel regarding enrolling Lake Byllesby in IBA, or Important Bird Area program. Although vocally supportive of the program, they have thus far not responded to my follow-up emails. Undortunately, I do not know the details of their plans for the lake as I am unable to open their web site (see below) that contains the plan.  Maybe you can do better. I plan to attend the meeting tomorrow and I hope several of you can attend as well. Hopefully, their plans are well thought out and will not negatively affect this vital area for birds. However, it's important that birders attend the open house tomorrow to ensure that planners have the benefit of out input. See you there.


The open house schedule is: 
Lake Byllesby Regional Park:
Tuesday May 17, 2005
5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Randolph Fire Hall
4365 292nd Street, Randolph
Many of you attended workshops or open houses for Lake Bylleby Regional Park, Miesville Ravine Park Reserve, and Thompson County Park in the past year. Draft master plans are now ready and I thought you might be interested in attending the final series of open houses for the plans. More information about the open houses and the draft plan follows below...

Mary Jackson
Dakota County Office of Planning


Dakota County citizens are invited to attend open houses to review proposed master plans for three County Parks - Lake Byllesby Regional Park, Miesville Ravine Park Reserve, and Thompson County Park.

The new draft master plans, when approved by the Dakota County Board of Commissioners, will be the 20-year guide for land acquisition, natural resource protection, and recreational facilities in each park. During the past year, staff and consultants prepared the plans with participation from citizens at public open houses, surveys, and focus meetings. This final series of open houses is an opportunity for citizens to express their ideas and preferences for the future direction of each park before the new master plans are approved. The draft plans reflect the unique character of each park and its role in the regional system:

Lake Byllesby Regional Park
The draft plan reflects the recreational draw of Lake Byllesby and is designed around the concept of Lake Byllesby as a gathering place. Already home to a popular campground, the plan for the east side of the park proposes a new visitor center, picnic shelters, fishing docks, swimming lagoon, biking and hiking trails, off road bike area, disc golf, additional camping, and landscaping to beautify the park. A bridge over the Cannon River will provide a connection to the Mill Towns Trail, Cannon Valley Trail, and greater Cannon Valley area. The west side of Lake Byllesby is a passive use area and the plan provides opportunities to picnic, fish and camp along the Cannon River. A new trailhead and boardwalks will bring visitors to view the unique shorebirds that frequent the marshland and mudflats on the west end of the lake. 

Miesville Ravine Park Reserve
This park is in a rustic wilderness nestled next to the Cannon River in Douglas Township, in southeastern Dakota County. The draft plan focuses on protecting the naturally reproducing trout stream, natural landscape, and the unspoiled viewsheds of the Trout Brook Valley. The primary facilities are for hiking, fishing, and picnicking. In addition, a new canoe and tube launch is planned along the Cannon River and a bridge will provide a connection to the Cannon Valley Trail. This plan recommends park boundary expansions on the upstream tributaries of the Trout Brook to reduce erosion, protect water quality, and provide recreational access to the interior areas of the park.

Thompson County Park
This park is in an urban setting and is very popular among northern Dakota County residents. The main idea for this park is to improve recreational facilities but not develop the natural areas that people enjoy. This park will have paved trails for young families and senior citizens, new picnic pavilions, an art walk, relocated parking for high use areas, and a re-aligned entry drive. The plan also proposes to improve the water quality in Thompson Lake, restore a woodland pond, improve forest health by planting native hardwood trees, and restore prairie grasses. 

"These master plans build on the strengths of each park and bring out the best in what each park landscape has to offer. The plans not only support existing park uses but introduce some exciting new recreational opportunities," said Commissioner Paul Krause, Chair of the Dakota County Board's Physical Development Committee. "We appreciate the thoughts and ideas of our citizens who have shaped these plans up to this point. These open houses are an opportunity for our citizens to see the visionary plans for the future of these parks and offer their ideas and comments. We hope that everybody with an interest in the parks can attend. It is important for us to know what people think before we adopt the plans."

Plans can be viewed at www.co.dakota.mn.us/parks/ThreeParksmasterplan.htm <http://www.co.dakota.mn.us/parks/ThreeParksmasterplan.htm>. Dakota County will receive public comments on the master plans until June 2, 2005. If you have questions or comments, please call Kurt Chatfield with the Dakota County Office of Planning at (952) 891-7022. E-mail comments can be sent to dc2020@co.dakota.mn.us <mailto:dc2020@co.dakota.mn.us>.

The open house schedule is: 

Lake Byllesby Regional Park:
Tuesday May 17, 2005
5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Randolph Fire Hall
4365 292nd Street, Randolph

Miesville Ravine Park Reserve: 
Wednesday May 18, 2005 
5:30 - 7:00 p.m. 
Miesville Fire Hall 
14221 - 240th Street E, Miesville

Thompson Park:
Tuesday May 24, 2005
6:30 - 8:00 p.m. 
Dakota Lodge in Thompson Park
1200 Stassen Lane (off Butler Ave.)
West St. Paul 
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<DIV>Lake Byllesby Lovers:</DIV>
<DIV>For two years now, I have been told by Dakota County administrators that they recognize the value of the west end of Lake Byllesby to birds, especially shorebirds, and that there will be no camping or other development that might jeopardize birds or their habitats. I recently received the following meeting notice (see below) &nbsp;and was struck by&nbsp;the following exerpt:</DIV>
<DIV><U>The west side of Lake Byllesby is a passive use area and the plan provides opportunities to picnic, fish and camp along the Cannon River. A new trailhead and boardwalks will bring visitors to view the unique shorebirds that frequent the marshland and mudflats on the west end of the lake.</U> 
<DIV>A year ago I met with Dakota County personnel regarding enrolling Lake Byllesby in&nbsp;IBA, or Important Bird Area program. Although vocally supportive of the program, they have thus far&nbsp;not responded to my follow-up emails. Undortunately, I do not know the details of their plans for the lake as I am unable to open their web site (see below) that contains the plan.&nbsp; Maybe you can do better. I plan to attend the meeting tomorrow and I hope several of you can attend as well. Hopefully, their plans are well thought out and will not negatively affect this vital area for birds.&nbsp;However, it's important that birders attend the open house tomorrow to ensure that planners have the benefit of out input. See you there.</DIV>
<DIV>Jim </DIV></DIV>
<DIV>The open house schedule is: </DIV>
<DIV>Lake Byllesby Regional Park:</DIV>
<DIV>Tuesday May 17, 2005</DIV>
<DIV>5:30 - 7:00 p.m.</DIV>
<DIV>Randolph Fire Hall</DIV>
<DIV>4365 292nd Street, Randolph</DIV></DIV>
<DIV>Many of you attended workshops or open houses for Lake Bylleby Regional Park, Miesville Ravine Park Reserve, and Thompson County Park in the past year. Draft master plans are now ready and I thought you might be interested in attending the final series of open houses for the plans. More information about the open houses and the draft plan follows below...</DIV>
<DIV>Mary Jackson</DIV>
<DIV>Dakota County Office of Planning</DIV>
<DIV>Dakota County citizens are invited to attend open houses to review proposed master plans for three County Parks - Lake Byllesby Regional Park, Miesville Ravine Park Reserve, and Thompson County Park.</DIV>
<DIV>The new draft master plans, when approved by the Dakota County Board of Commissioners, will be the 20-year guide for land acquisition, natural resource protection, and recreational facilities in each park. During the past year, staff and consultants prepared the plans with participation from citizens at public open houses, surveys, and focus meetings. This final series of open houses is an opportunity for citizens to express their ideas and preferences for the future direction of each park before the new master plans are approved. The draft plans reflect the unique character of each park and its role in the regional system:</DIV>
<DIV>Lake Byllesby Regional Park</DIV>
<DIV>The draft plan reflects the recreational draw of Lake Byllesby and is designed around the concept of Lake Byllesby as a gathering place. Already home to a popular campground, the plan for the east side of the park proposes a new visitor center, picnic shelters, fishing docks, swimming lagoon, biking and hiking trails, off road bike area, disc golf, additional camping, and landscaping to beautify the park. A bridge over the Cannon River will provide a connection to the Mill Towns Trail, Cannon Valley Trail, and greater Cannon Valley area. The west side of Lake Byllesby is a passive use area and the plan provides opportunities to picnic, fish and camp along the Cannon River. A new trailhead and boardwalks will bring visitors to view the unique shorebirds that frequent the marshland and mudflats on the west end of the lake. </DIV>
<DIV>Miesville Ravine Park Reserve</DIV>
<DIV>This park is in a rustic wilderness nestled next to the Cannon River in Douglas Township, in southeastern Dakota County. The draft plan focuses on protecting the naturally reproducing trout stream, natural landscape, and the unspoiled viewsheds of the Trout Brook Valley. The primary facilities are for hiking, fishing, and picnicking. In addition, a new canoe and tube launch is planned along the Cannon River and a bridge will provide a connection to the Cannon Valley Trail. This plan recommends park boundary expansions on the upstream tributaries of the Trout Brook to reduce erosion, protect water quality, and provide recreational access to the interior areas of the park.</DIV>
<DIV>Thompson County Park</DIV>
<DIV>This park is in an urban setting and is very popular among northern Dakota County residents. The main idea for this park is to improve recreational facilities but not develop the natural areas that people enjoy. This park will have paved trails for young families and senior citizens, new picnic pavilions, an art walk, relocated parking for high use areas, and a re-aligned entry drive. The plan also proposes to improve the water quality in Thompson Lake, restore a woodland pond, improve forest health by planting native hardwood trees, and restore prairie grasses. </DIV>
<DIV>"These master plans build on the strengths of each park and bring out the best in what each park landscape has to offer. The plans not only support existing park uses but introduce some exciting new recreational opportunities," said Commissioner Paul Krause, Chair of the Dakota County Board's Physical Development Committee. "We appreciate the thoughts and ideas of our citizens who have shaped these plans up to this point. These open houses are an opportunity for our citizens to see the visionary plans for the future of these parks and offer their ideas and comments. We hope that everybody with an interest in the parks can attend. It is important for us to know what people think before we adopt the plans."</DIV>
<DIV>Plans can be viewed at <A href="http://www.co.dakota.mn.us/parks/ThreeParksmasterplan.htm">www.co.dakota.mn.us/parks/ThreeParksmasterplan.htm</A> &lt;<A href="http://www.co.dakota.mn.us/parks/ThreeParksmasterplan.htm>.">http://www.co.dakota.mn.us/parks/ThreeParksmasterplan.htm&gt;.</A> Dakota County will receive public comments on the master plans until June 2, 2005. If you have questions or comments, please call Kurt Chatfield with the Dakota County Office of Planning at (952) 891-7022. E-mail comments can be sent to <A href="mailto:dc2020@co.dakota.mn.us">dc2020@co.dakota.mn.us</A> <A href="mailto:<mailto:dc2020@co.dakota.mn.us>.">&lt;mailto:dc2020@co.dakota.mn.us&gt;.</A></DIV>
<DIV>The open house schedule is: </DIV>
<DIV>Lake Byllesby Regional Park:</DIV>
<DIV>Tuesday May 17, 2005</DIV>
<DIV>5:30 - 7:00 p.m.</DIV>
<DIV>Randolph Fire Hall</DIV>
<DIV>4365 292nd Street, Randolph</DIV>
<DIV>Miesville Ravine Park Reserve: </DIV>
<DIV>Wednesday May 18, 2005 </DIV>
<DIV>5:30 - 7:00 p.m. </DIV>
<DIV>Miesville Fire Hall </DIV>
<DIV>14221 - 240th Street E, Miesville</DIV>
<DIV>Thompson Park:</DIV>
<DIV>Tuesday May 24, 2005</DIV>
<DIV>6:30 - 8:00 p.m. </DIV>
<DIV>Dakota Lodge in Thompson Park</DIV>
<DIV>1200 Stassen Lane (off Butler Ave.)</DIV>
<DIV>West St. Paul </DIV></DIV>