[mou] Question about kittiwake

Laura Erickson bluejay@lauraerickson.com
Tue, 17 May 2005 13:58:00 -0500 (CDT)

Tony Hertzel believes my "Black-legged Kittiwake" may actually be an
immature Ring-billed Gull, and the photos are inconclusive--I may actually
have been shooting more than one bird--it's very tricky to deal with a
digital camera which blacks out as you click, and this camera is just a
little one with 3x zoom.  But the bird my group saw looked different from
Ring-bills I've looked at, and so if you find yourself at Indian Point
looking for the Long-tailed Duck (which was still there this morning), pay
attention to the gulls just in case.

Laura Erickson
Duluth, MN

Staff Ornithologist

There is symbolic as well as actual beauty in the migration of birds. 
There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of
nature--the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after the

			--Rachel Carson

> REMINDER!! Arcola Mills Birding Event - mini-fundraiser - SATURDAY, MAY
> If you need a Louisiana Waterthrush on your life list there's a good
> chance you can see one at Arcola Mills May 28th.
> Come any time between 5:30 AM and 11:30 AM. Take a small group guided bird
> walk on the 55 acre property. Or, you can just bird around the Mower Van
> Meyer House area that includes a great view of the St Croix River and the
> permanent streams. Enjoy coffee, tea, water, fruit and Krispie Kreme (TM)
> donuts in the Mower Van Meyer House. Also available - Arcola Mills
> Checklists indicating the 124 species identified so far.
> This is a mini-fundraiser to help us restore the Mower Van Meyer House and
> property so we suggest a tax-deductible contribution to Arcola Mills of
> $25 per individual or $35 per household. Help us preserve a legacy of
> UNDEVELOPED St. Croix Riverfront property for generations to come.
> Arcola Mills is just 10 minutes North of Stillwater on Arcola Trail.  From
> the Highway 96/95 intersection just North of Stillwater city limits, go
> North about 5 1/2 miles on Highway 95. Continue PAST the first Arcola
> Trail sign, PAST 124th St. and the Railroad bridge to the SECOND Arcola
> Trail sign. Turn right; Arcola Mills' gate is the first you come to on
> your LEFT. Park in the lot at the top of the driveway unless directed
> otherwise.
> If the weather is horrible, I will send a cancellation email that morning
> EARLY to those who have signed-up to come. See you there! ke
> Karen Eckman
> Phone: 651-483-8460
> Cell:     651-260-8534
> k.eckman@comcast.net