[mou] collegeville walks-Stearns County

Milt Blomberg mblomberg@holdingford.k12.mn.us
Wed, 18 May 2005 16:18:23 -0500

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Something must be wrong with me, can't break 50 species on a two hour =
walk around the marsh and upland. Windy and cold w/ rain squalls. 4-6pm =
Slow birding. Of note for 5/12: Warblers-Wilson's, Palm, B&W, Y-rumped; =
Least Flycatcher, Catbird.  Tree Swallows and Barn Swallows still en =
masse. (36 species)
Mostly new finds of note 5/17:little better weather: Clay-colored =
sparrow buzzing, sedge wren, house wren, northern waterthrush, =
swainson's thrushes(several), veery, least flycatchers(several), oriole, =
field sparrows, northern shoveler (still present), =
Warblers--c.yellowthroat, y-rumped, wilson's, yellow, nashville, palm, =
redstart, bay-breasted, and I think an e. wood pewee (46 species). mjb
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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Something must be wrong with me, can't =
break 50=20
species on a two hour walk around the marsh and upland. Windy and cold =
w/ rain=20
squalls. 4-6pm Slow birding. Of note for 5/12: Warblers-Wilson's, Palm, =
Y-rumped; Least Flycatcher, Catbird.&nbsp; Tree Swallows and Barn =
Swallows still=20
en masse. (36 species)</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Mostly new finds of note 5/17:little =
weather: Clay-colored sparrow buzzing, sedge wren, house wren, northern=20
waterthrush,&nbsp;swainson's thrushes(several), veery, least=20
flycatchers(several), oriole, field sparrows, northern shoveler (still =
Warblers--c.yellowthroat, y-rumped, wilson's, yellow, nashville, palm, =
bay-breasted, and I think an&nbsp;e. wood pewee&nbsp;(46 species).=20
