[mou] Kentucky W., Piping PL-Dakota Co.

James Mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Thu, 19 May 2005 12:32:21 -0500

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During an otherwise slow morning at Scharr's Bluff, Spring Lake RP,  at 9:15am,  I heard a distant "ovenbird" that sounded suspicious. As I moved closer, the cadence was more like a Kentucky Warbler. Not wanting to spook it, I sat for 15 minutes on a log as it sang from dense cover nearby. Finally, it moved to a different perch providing stunning looks at a male KEWA. It sang off and on for the 45 mins. or so I was in the area. It was near the main forest trail that goes east along the bluff. About 150-200 m from the start of the trail, another trail intersects from the left. This is where it was singing. A lot patience and/or luck is needed to actually see this bird. This is only the 3rd or 4th county record for KEWA. 

Lake Byllesby is slowly filling to summer pool level and has almost no mudflats now. Nonetheless, a few tenacious birds still cling to the sliver of habitat that remains.  Birds seen:

Piping Plover - 1
Semi-pal. Plover - 10
Ruddy Turnstone - 8
Dunlin -8
Sanderling - 1
S-b. Dowitcher - 2
Least Sp - 20
Semi-pal. Sp - 1
Bonaparte's Gull - 3
Common Tern - 6
Caspian Tern - 4

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<DIV>During an otherwise slow morning at Scharr's Bluff, Spring Lake RP,&nbsp; at 9:15am, &nbsp;I heard a distant "ovenbird" that sounded suspicious. As I moved closer, the cadence was more like a <STRONG>Kentucky Warbler</STRONG>. Not wanting to spook it, I sat for 15 minutes on a log as it sang from dense cover nearby. Finally, it moved to a different perch providing stunning looks at a male KEWA. It sang off and on for the 45 mins. or so I was in the area. It was near the main forest trail that goes east along the bluff.&nbsp;About 150-200 m from the start of the trail, another&nbsp;trail intersects from the left. This is where it was singing. A lot patience and/or luck is needed to actually see this bird. This is only the 3rd or 4th county record for KEWA. </DIV>
<DIV>Lake Byllesby is slowly filling to summer pool level and has almost no mudflats now. Nonetheless, a few tenacious birds still cling to the sliver of habitat that remains.&nbsp; Birds seen:</DIV>
<DIV><STRONG>Piping Plover - 1</STRONG></DIV>
<DIV>Semi-pal. Plover - 10</DIV>
<DIV>Ruddy Turnstone - 8</DIV>
<DIV>Dunlin -8</DIV>
<DIV>Sanderling - 1</DIV>
<DIV>S-b. Dowitcher - 2</DIV>
<DIV>Least Sp - 20</DIV>
<DIV>Semi-pal. Sp - 1</DIV>
<DIV>Bonaparte's Gull - 3</DIV>
<DIV>Common Tern - 6</DIV>
<DIV>Caspian Tern - 4</DIV>