[mou] Pigeon Lake Meeker county

Howard Cutter howardcutter@yahoo.com
Fri, 20 May 2005 07:56:52 -0700 (PDT)

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My wife found Pigeon Lake Rookery on her way back from St Cloud and called me about the number of Birds that were there.So yesterday she took me out there so I could see our first Minnesota rookery.Its quite a sight with large flocks of Double Crested Cormorants,American White Pelican,Great Egerts and Great Blue Heron. Also in the Lake were ring Bill Gulls Canada Gesse and Wood Ducks. This is from the overlook on RT 15.But it really got interesting as we explored the roads behind Pigeon Lake.Going North on 15 we turn right on to County Rd 18 then right again on708th Ave on 708 we saw Great Crested Flycatcher,Indigo Bunting,Killdeer Gadwall,Turkey Vulture,American Robin,Bald Eagle,Northern Flicker,House Wren,Chipping Sparrow. We turned right on 190st and Right again on703 ave where we sawRing Tail Pheasant and H.O. Wilets and Cat birds.But the best sighting was a pair of 
Bobolinks in a field. We then turned left on 195th street back to Rt 15 and back to overlook.
After another look at the Rookery. We did spot Connecticut Warbler in Trees in front of car.Since we we doing so good we decieded to try the other side of Rt 15 and wnt south on 15 from overlook to 200st and followed it to 885 ave in Jewett Lake wesaw a Pied-billed grebe.
885 becomes 185th street and it becomes 883 ave at County road 14 we turned right and
at Cr 18 we turned right to CR 9 to Cr 60 where we stopped at Piepenburg County Park
saw a Kingbird.Flollowed 60 to CR 12 On 12 coming into Hutchinson we saw Sanderling in pond..I forgot on way out to Hutinson on 7 we saw a Mockingbird.Good trip!
At home in Waconia We have gotten Baltimore Oriles this week and this morning a Rosebreasted Grosbeck.

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<DIV>My wife found Pigeon Lake Rookery on her way back from St Cloud and called me about the number of Birds that were there.So yesterday she took me out there so I could see our first Minnesota rookery.Its quite a sight with large flocks of Double Crested Cormorants,American White Pelican,Great Egerts and Great Blue Heron. Also in the Lake were ring Bill Gulls Canada Gesse and Wood Ducks. This is from the overlook on RT 15.But it really got interesting as we explored the roads behind Pigeon Lake.Going North on 15 we turn right on to County Rd 18 then right again on708th Ave on 708 we saw Great Crested Flycatcher,Indigo Bunting,Killdeer Gadwall,Turkey Vulture,American Robin,Bald Eagle,Northern Flicker,House Wren,Chipping Sparrow. We turned right on 190st and Right again on703 ave where we sawRing Tail Pheasant and H.O. Wilets and Cat birds.But the best sighting was a pair of </DIV>
<DIV>Bobolinks in a field. We then turned left on 195th street back to Rt 15 and back to overlook.</DIV>
<DIV>After another look at the Rookery. We did spot Connecticut Warbler in Trees in front of car.Since we we doing so good we decieded to try the other side of Rt 15 and wnt south on 15 from overlook to 200st and followed it to 885 ave in Jewett Lake wesaw a Pied-billed grebe.</DIV>
<DIV>885 becomes 185th street and it becomes 883 ave at County road 14 we turned&nbsp;right and</DIV>
<DIV>at Cr 18 we turned right to CR 9 to Cr 60 where we stopped at Piepenburg County Park</DIV>
<DIV>saw a Kingbird.Flollowed 60 to CR 12 On 12 coming into Hutchinson we saw Sanderling in pond..I forgot on way out to Hutinson on 7 we saw a Mockingbird.Good trip!</DIV>
<DIV>At home in Waconia We have gotten Baltimore Oriles this week and this morning a Rosebreasted Grosbeck.</DIV><p>
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