[mou] Mockingbird--Henn. Cty.

James Pomplun jpomplun@cpinternet.com
Sat, 21 May 2005 12:36:28 -0500

Eloise Jasken and I saw a Northern Mockingbird this morning ~11am at the
Minnesota River Valley Refuge Headquarters (off 34th & 494). The bird was
flying around in the area with the bluebird houses near the visitor center.
Around 11:20am it flew off in the direction of the Hilton Hotel. We happened
to be at Wood Lake (Thurs. 5/19) at the time a mockingbird was seen there,
but weren't able to see it. Maybe the gods have a way of making things
right. We also saw today in the same area as the mockingbird a singing
scarlet tanager, blackburnian warbler, and indigo bunting.  Jim