[mou] Houston County Mon day/nite

Dedrick Benz benzdedrick@hotmail.com
Tue, 24 May 2005 06:36:26 +0000

I zipped out to Beaver Creek this evening to see if I could find the chats 
reported by Heidi Ferguson to no avail.  However Acadian Flycatchers were 
back in full force, and LA Waterthrushes were fairly vocal.  I didn't notice 
a huge number of migrants, but I did find a Canada Warbler and an 
Olive-sided Flycatcher along the east end of the field at the end of the 
main trail.

I then birded Union Township from 8:30 to 11:45 PM as part of my search for 
Chuck-Will's-Widow.  I was happy that I could cover all the roads in such a 
short time, so I'm hoping some of you that I have "pencilled in" for the 
Chuck-Will's-Widow survey can do it.  No Widows tonite, but Whip-Poor-Wills 
just about everywhere, as well as Woodcock, G Horned and Barred Owls, Luna 
moths (huge buggers, they are), and a singing Henslow's Sparrow at the 
public end of Schleich Dr, which turns SE off of Union Ridge Dr. about 2 
miles west of it's intersection with 44 just west of Hokah.  Singing 
Henslow's at 11:30 PM.  Gotta love it.

Dedrick Benz
Winona, MN