[mou] Birds in Ely

Bill Tefft b.tefft@vcc.edu
Thu, 26 May 2005 11:39:58 -0500

This morning provided some surprises.  We didn't get out of town but the
local wetlands/softball complex continued to provide interesting birds. 
In the past couple of weeks we have seen American plover, loggerhead
shrike, American pipits, bobolinks, Northern pintails, American bittern,
and the usual variety of flycatchers, sparrows and other wetland birds.

This morning I spotted a female lark bunting and then later Richard
Gibson saw two female lark buntings.  In addition, there was a
semi-palmated sandpiper and later at the Vermilion Community College
softball field two semi-palmated plovers.

The day is going well and it is not even noon yet.

Bill Tefft
Parks and Recreation Instructor
Vermilion Community College
1900 E. Camp Street
Ely, MN  55731
Phone: 218-365-7241
Fax: 218-365-7207