[mou] No Chuck-will's-widow, Houston Co. Other night birds & strange sounds

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Sun, 29 May 2005 09:37:11 -0700 (PDT)

Did a preliminary run scouting a "Benz-o-census" route
for Chucks near Reno. No Chucks, but other late day
singers & night sounds, including a very threatening
sound magnified by my headphone amplifier: several
cattle cropping on grass, which sounded amplified like
a monster squad of marching shoes on gravel. "Crunch,
crunch ,crunch , crunch." Picture WWII German troops

Other night heard bird species:
Canada Goose
Sandhill Crane. Always impressive duet. Trumpets
nearly out of control.
American Woodcock-1
Barred Owl-several hooting up a rabble-rousing
Whip-poor-will. My favorite nightsound next to
mothflight. At least a quartet.
Wood Thrush. Well, almost night & in a class by itself
for solo orchestral instrument. Also a species of
Common Yellowthroat. Common but reliable instrument in
the chorus.
E. Towhee. Offering its triangle note.
Sedge Wren. Jugging along.
Chipping Sp.
Field Sp.
N Cardinal
Rose-brstd. Grosbeak
Red-w. Blkbd.
Eastern Meadowlark

These birds alongside Hillside Rd. & Crooked

Fred Lesher
LaCrosse, Wis.

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