[mou] Minnesota Birding--deadline reminder!

C. Hallie Skinner c.hallie.skinner@gmail.com
Fri, 4 Nov 2005 08:54:12 -0600

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Just a reminder: The deadline for article submissions and ad booking is Nov=
25 for the January/February issue of Minnesota Birding. Please get your
pieces in on time to ensure they are considered for the upcoming issue.

Hallie Skinner

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Just a reminder: The deadline for article submissions and ad booking is Nov=
. 25 for the January/February issue of <span style=3D"font-style: italic;">=
Minnesota Birding</span>.&nbsp; Please get your pieces in on time to ensure=
 they are considered for the upcoming issue.&nbsp; Thanks!
Hallie Skinner<br>
