[mou] MOURC membership

Peder Svingen psvingen@d.umn.edu
Mon, 7 Nov 2005 19:17:02 -0600

The Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee (MOURC) is 
seeking a new member for a term of service beginning January 2006. 
MOURC implemented term limits about a decade ago; the committee has 
added at least one new member annually since that time. MOU membership 
and access to e-mail are required of all committee members. The 
committee meets face-to-face two or three times annually, and otherwise 
conducts its business by e-mail and votes on records electronically.

Qualifications for membership on the committee include skills related 
to the identification of birds in Minnesota, knowledge of the status 
and distribution of birds in Minnesota, and familiarity with Minnesota 
birding locations. Most committee members have demonstrated their 
skills prior to selection by submitting written documentation to MOURC.

If you are interested in becoming a member, please write a letter 
explaining how you meet the above qualifications, and why you are 
interested in serving on the records committee. Nominations are also 
welcome. All letters should be sent to me by 1 December 2005; 
electronic submission by e-mail is preferred.

Letters will be reviewed, and new members elected, by the committee at 
its meeting in early December; after that meeting, I'll contact each 
applicant about the status of his or her application. Please feel free 
to contact me for further information about serving on the records 

Peder H. Svingen
MOURC Chairman
2602 East 4th St.
Duluth, MN 55812