[mou] the missing birds of Stearns County

Robert_Russell@fws.gov Robert_Russell@fws.gov
Thu, 10 Nov 2005 10:03:00 -0600

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Despite Stearns County having one of the top 10 county lists in the sta=
and a history of bird observations that goes back to Zebulon Pike and T=
Roberts, there are no records that I am aware of for the following spec=
Glaucous Gull, Iceland Gull, any  black-backed gull species, Long-taile=
Duck (the duck formerly known as Oldsquaw), Black (Common) Scoter, and
Northern Raven  If anyone has a record of these species I'd like to not=
this both for my manuscript on the birds of this county and Bob Janssen=
county checklist.  Please send any details of observations of these bir=
with dates and numbers to me offline at wildchough@aol.com.  As freezeu=
occurs in the next several weeks, this would be a great opportunity to
search for these species in the county and carve your name into Stearns=

County ornithological history.  Thanks, Bob Russell=

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<p>Despite Stearns County having one of the top 10 county lists in the =
state and a history of bird observations that goes back to Zebulon Pike=
 and T.S. Roberts, there are no records that I am aware of for the foll=
owing species:  Glaucous Gull, Iceland Gull, any  black-backed gull spe=
cies, Long-tailed Duck (the duck formerly known as Oldsquaw), Black (Co=
mmon) Scoter, and Northern Raven  If anyone has a record of these speci=
es I'd like to note this both for my manuscript on the birds of this co=
unty and Bob Janssen's county checklist.  Please send any details of ob=
servations of these birds with dates and numbers to me offline at wildc=
hough@aol.com.  As freezeup occurs in the next several weeks, this woul=
d be a great opportunity to search for these species in the county and =
carve your name into Stearns County ornithological history.  Thanks, Bo=
b Russell</body></html>=
