[mou] Hummingbird!

Steve Weston sweston2@comcast.net
Wed, 16 Nov 2005 12:40:38 -0600

Had a female hummingbird visit our feeders at least three times this 
morning.  Cherie saw her first. Even with rotating feeders I am not able to 
keep them thawed and I am not sure that she ever got anything.  She was not 
able to figure out our newer fancy glass ball feeder, although she drank the 
water beeded on the surface of the glass.

She appears to be in good shape, quite plump,  At this point I have had only 
fleeting views and haven't gotten a photo.  She has no rufous and the three 
outer tail feathers have what appeared to be significant amounts of white 
with equal white length on all three.

I asked two retired neighbors to put out their hummingbird feeders with 1:3 
part mix.  I have two feeders out.  One hanging should last an hour or so in 
this cold wind.  The other is sitting in my heated bird bath, but I don't 
expect that she will find it.  I have to head out to work, so I can't watch 
much longer.  Hopefully she has already left for warmer locales.

Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN