[mou] Hiawatha Geese

Robert Bergad rbergad@mn.rr.com
Fri, 25 Nov 2005 15:58:44 -0600

Despite snow and icing on Lake Hiawatha, all the geese still abound, 
including the single Ross goose.  As most of the lake has iced over, 
several hundred geese remain at the out flow of Minnehaha Creek into 
the lake.  Most of the flock including the Ross is on a large open pond 
(which, incidentally, is open for most of the winter and usually houses 
a large flock of mallards) that is located about three hundred feet 
northwest of the  water pumping station building on the west side of 
the lake.  A cooper's hawk was circling the pond and came to light in a 
pine just east of the pond about 3:00 pm today.  For the patient 
observer fox and mink have also been spotted nearby this pond.

Bob Bergad
South Minneapolis