[mou] Houston Co. Birds Today: Hillside Rd., Hwy 26

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Mon, 28 Nov 2005 17:09:05 -0800 (PST)

Canada Goose
Tundra Swan-----several thousands Shellhorn Rd. south
to Hwy. 26 MM11. Fewer south at the deck.
Am. Wigeon
Am. Black D.
No. Pintail
Ring-n. D.
L. Scaup
C. Goldeneye
Hooded M.
Ruddy D.

Bald E.
Red-t. H.
*Peregrine Falcon--1 Flying west over Shellhorn Rd.

Wild Turkey----12

Am. Coot
Killdeer---1---Wildcat Creek "estuary"
Wilson's Snipe----26+---"

Ring-b. G.

Ye. bell. Sap.---1

N. Shrike----1

Am. Tree Sp.
Red. brsted. N.--1 
Golden-crnd. Kinglet---3
Dark-eyed J.
Am. Goldfinch

Variable skies and calm but south wind, becoming dark
& overcast. Heavy fog over the River. Light scattered
showers. About 45 degrees F.

Fred Lesher & Carol Schumacher for B.W.B.

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 