[mou] Magpie Extreme NE SLC

Karen Sussman ksussman@lcp2.net
Sun, 2 Oct 2005 15:16:54 -0500

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Black Billed Magpie seen this morning at 0830 1.5 miles south of 
intersection Cty Rd 25 and Hwy 22 in Angora/St Louis County.
I have travelled this road regularly for many years and have never seen 
a Magpie in this area.  Terrain was mixed wooded and small farms and 

Karen Sussman  ksussman@lcp2.net
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<fontfamily><param>Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro</param>Black Billed Magpie
seen this morning at 0830 1.5 miles south of intersection Cty Rd 25
and Hwy 22 in Angora/St Louis County.

I have travelled this road regularly for many years and have never
seen a Magpie in this area.  Terrain was mixed wooded and small farms
and fields.


<fontfamily><param>Times New Roman</param>Karen Sussman 