[mou] midwest birding symposium

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Tue, 4 Oct 2005 21:35:09 -0500

A major event for those who share the joys of birding is almost upon us.

The Midwest Birding Symposium is coming to the Mississippi River, at=20
the Quad Cities, Oct. 13-16.

Join national renowned speakers such as Don and Lillian Stokes, John=20
Acorn, Bobby Harrison (of Ivory-billed Woodpecker fame), and the=20
editors of Birder's World and Birdwatcher's Digest Magazineson field=20
trips to a variety of habitats around the Quad Cities area.=A0

In addition to field trips, cruises on the Mississippi River, and a=20
Birder=92s Marketplace with 100 vendors, there are literally scores of=20=

other speakers who will give brief, concise talks on beginning bird=20
watching, reintroduction programs for whooping cranes, ospreys,=20
peregrines, sharp-tailed grouse, and presentations about red-shouldered=20=

hawks, owls, waterfowl, and many other topics.

Learn how to identify bird songs and how to do digiscoping, as well as=20=

details about grasslands and bluffs, and the enormous migration of=20
North American raptors at Veracruz, Mexico!

Hear what Iowa's Governor Tom Vilsack has to say about the importance=20
of bird watching in Iowa.=A0 Treat yourself to a fun dinner cruise on =
Mighty Mississippi.

All of this and much more can be found by going to:=20

A major event =96 in the Quad Cities in just a few days!

Ric Zarwell
Iowa Important Bird Areas (IBA) Coordinator

posted for Ric Zarwell by Jim Williams, Wayzata, Minnesota