[mou] Birding South Florida at Christmas.

Gerald Wozniak geraldwozniak@hibbing.edu
Wed, 05 Oct 2005 14:04:51 -0500

I am going on the MOU list serve to see if there is any interest in =
putting together a birding trip to South Florida over the Christmas break. =
 My open dates are Dec. 23rd to January 8th.

I noticed that both WINGS and VENT offer trips to S. Florida in mid-January=
.  Their itineraries can be viewed on their respective websites, so you =
might want to check these out to see exactly where they go.  (www.wingsbird=
s.com & www.ventbird.com    Contacting birders in the area for suggested =
itineraries, also, would be done, especially in regard to key spots to go.

I would like to assume that the area will be safe from hurricanes and/or =
any other potential natural disasters. And, maybe, this would not be the =
best time to go. =20

If interested, please contact me--

Jerry Wozniak
900 8th Ave NW
Chisholm, MN  55719