[mou] Sibley, Renville, Meeker, and McLeod Counties today

rdunlap@gac.edu rdunlap@gac.edu
Sun, 09 Oct 2005 19:05:00 -0500

John Hockema, Ben Fritchman, and I birded the above counties today.  Our
significant sightings included:

-Le Conte's Sparrows in Sibley, Renville, and McLeod Counties. with at least 8
birds at the Schaefer Prairie in McLeod County -- this was one of 13 species of
sparrow we found today

-YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO in Sibley County on 266th St. just north of Hwy. 19 - this
bird came out of a farm field and flew right in front of the car, then flew out
of sight - this has to be one of the later records for this species in MN

-shorebird spot in Renville County - there is a flooded field on the west side
of 540th St. south of Boon Lake - 7 species present including Long-billed
Dowitchers; both Yellowlegs; Least, Pectoral, and White-rumped Sanpipers; and a
single American  Golden-Plover

Good birding everyone!

Bob Dunlap, Nicolett County