[mou] Black-throated Gray Warbler - NE MN

Deb Buria-Falkowski d.buria-falkowski@mr.mnscu.edu
Fri, 14 Oct 2005 11:11:36 -0500

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I just received a call from my husband who had great looks at a Black-throa=
ted Gray Warbler (YES, gray!) at the 500 block on 12th Street North in =
Virginia, MN.   It was very active but still in the area at 11:00 AM.   I =
am going there now.
Deborah Buria-Falkowski
Mesabi Range Community and Technical College
Human Resources
Phone:   218/749-7767
   Fax:   218/749-0321

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<DIV>I just received a call from my husband who had great looks at a=20
Black-throated Gray Warbler (YES, gray!) at the 500 block on 12th Street =
in Virginia, MN.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was very active but still in the area =
11:00 AM.&nbsp;&nbsp; I am going there now.</DIV>
<DIV>Deborah Buria-Falkowski<BR>Mesabi Range Community and Technical=20
College<BR>Human Resources</DIV>
<DIV>Phone:&nbsp;&nbsp; 218/749-7767<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; Fax:&nbsp;&nbsp;=20
