[mou] North Shore 15 October 2005

Peder Svingen psvingen@d.umn.edu
Sun, 16 Oct 2005 09:29:50 -0500

Anthony Hertzel and I recorded 78 species along the North Shore 
yesterday on the "Ides of October." We subsequently received a report 
of an adult male Harlequin Duck at the mouth of the Cross River near 
Schroeder in Cook County--one of the few places we did not stop between 
Hovland and Duluth. Highlights included the following:
Cackling Geese--7 photographed at Grand Marais, Cook County;
Surf Scoter--4 at Paradise Beach, Cook County and one in Grand Marais;
White-winged Scoter--one at Paradise Beach;
Black Scoter--5 or 6 at Paradise Beach;
Long-tailed Duck--only 2 were seen--both near Grand Marais;
Red-shouldered Hawk--adult circling over Grand Marais at about 9:00 
AM--we had excellent looks for several minutes--first county record;
Spotted Sandpiper--late individual at Castle Danger, Lake County;
phalarope sp.--flying down the shore at an overlook just east of the 
Silver Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant, Lake County--white wing stripe 
and single high-pitched "peek" call--most likely a Red Phalarope but 
not refound;
Bonaparte's Gull--first-winter bird at East Beaver Bay, Lake County;
House Wren--late individual at Grand Marais;
Townsend's Solitaire--one spotted by AXH along state highway 61, just E 
of the Brule River, Cook County;
Northern Mockingbird--one along scenic highway 61, just E of the 
Homestead Rd, St. Louis County;
Common Yellowthroat--one seen by AXH in marsh near Flood Bay Wayside, 
Lake County.
Except for crows, tree sparrows, juncos, Rusty Blackbirds and siskins, 
numbers of individuals were very low.
Peder Svingen--psvingen@d.umn.edu--Duluth, MN