[mou] Common Ground-Dove not refound

Jim Lind jslind@frontiernet.net
Sun, 16 Oct 2005 15:38:19 -0500

The Common Ground-Dove in downtown Two Harbors could not be relocated 
after three hours of searching by several observers.  I originally 
saw the bird at about 11:30 at the far west end of 1st Avenue (just 
west of the downtown district), near an abandoned brown brick 
building at a blocked gate to the railroad yards.  After I watched it 
for 4-5 minutes, it flew south from the roadside to a barbed-wire 
fence, then flew down to the ground behind the fence on railroad 
property.  This was the last I saw of the bird.  It may have 
continued south or west into the railroad yard, which is 
unfortunately off limits.

I will be checking for it again this evening and tomorrow and will 
post if it is seen again.

Jim Lind
Two Harbors