[mou] Mountain Bluebird

Josh Watson thekinglet@yahoo.com
Thu, 27 Oct 2005 15:04:07 -0700 (PDT)

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Hello everyone,
This morning I did a little bit of birding with Bob Janssen on his pre-festival class. One one of our stops I discovered a female mountain bluebird. The directions are a little classified becuase the bird was on private property and in order to go see the bird you will have to call for permission and I am not yet sure if it is alright with the property owners if suddenely a bunch of people who wanted to see the bird called for permission. The bird was very cooperative and I along with Bob and his class observed it for over an hour and the bird remained when we left. We had several close up views with a spotting scope and with binoculars. It hung out in a large pasture surrounded by several other pastures and fields. The bird was all by itself and spent most of its time perched on waist high fence posts and the fencing wire although sometimes flew to the ground and foraged for a couple seconds to then fly back to one of its perches on top of a fence post. Not much else very no
 that we saw today. Good birding,
Josh Watson
Grand Marais

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<DIV>Hello everyone,</DIV>
<DIV>This morning I did a little bit of birding with Bob Janssen on his pre-festival class. One one of our stops I discovered a female mountain bluebird. The directions are a little classified becuase the bird was on private property and in order to go see the bird you will have to call for permission and I am not yet sure if it is alright with the property owners if suddenely a bunch of people who wanted to see the bird called for permission. The bird was very cooperative and I along with Bob and his class observed it for over an hour and the bird remained when we left. We had several close up views with a spotting scope and with binoculars. It hung out in a large pasture surrounded by several other pastures and fields. The bird was all by itself and spent most of its time perched on waist high fence posts and the fencing wire although sometimes flew to the ground and foraged for a couple seconds to then fly back to one of its perches on top of a fence post. Not much else ve
 noteworthy that we saw today. Good birding,</DIV>
<DIV>Josh Watson</DIV>
<DIV>Grand Marais</DIV><p>
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